Francqui Research Professor


The pursuit of groundbreaking discoveries and the development of innovative solutions often demand intensive focus and uninterrupted concentration. By reducing teaching commitments, professors can delve deeper into their research, resulting in more impactful and meaningful contributions to their fields.

For this reason and since 2008, the Foundation has been granting annually Francqui Research Professor mandates to researchers.

[Consult the list of titulars]


Description and rules

The Francqui Foundation grants a mandate of ‘Francqui Research Professor’ (or ‘Collen-Francqui Research Professor’ in the biomedical domain) at the University for a period of 3 years, a period of 2 years, followed by a third year after approval by the Foundation during the course of the mandate. With this mandate, the Foundation gives the opportunity to a professor or a young researcher to dedicate him-/herself to the research, with a reduced teaching assignment.

The mandate is aimed at researchers, for whom a reduction of the teaching assignment represents added value for the university of the candidate; it is aimed, in particular, at professors or young researchers (m/f/x) of an exceptionally high level, whose research is part of a current and interesting field of research and whose scientific and international influence contributes to an elevated standing of the Institution.

The titular bears the title of ‘(Collen-)Francqui Research Professor’ for the duration of their mandate and remains attached to their Institution.

The Foundation pays the costs of a substitute(s) (/deputy) for the teaching assignment, with a maximum of 40,000 euros per year. At the start of the mandate, the Foundation asks for a concrete proposal of how the mandate and the teaching assignment will be completed. The amounts will be paid annually to the University on the basis of the actual expenses. The mandate is accompanied by a research allowance of 5,000 euros per year for the titular. This amount will be transferred at the beginning of each academic year.

Allotment of the mandate:

In the spring of the academic year and at the latest on May 15th, the candidate selected by the University’s research council, in consultation with the CEO, will be nominated to the Francqui Foundation. The candidate’s entry must contain a clear motivation, foreign reference letters and opinions from experts.

If the University submits several files (maximum 3), the Foundation will make its own choice. The file, retained by the Foundation, will then be submitted for appointment by the Rector of the University.

The Francqui Foundation reserves the right not to fill in the mandate if the file does not meet the strict quality criteria.

Requested documents during and after the granted mandate:

  • The Foundation will proceed to an interim evaluation of the Francqui Research Professor in the course of his mandate. Therefore, the titular is asked to write a concise interim report to the Foundation after their first research year, with a description of his/her scientific activities.
  • At the end of his mandate, the titular will write a complete report on his/her research activities (main results, achievements, publications, internationale engagements, and ongoing projects).
  • The Foundation also requires a financial report per academic year.



File a submission

The deadline for applications to the Francqui Foundation is May 15.

Are requested for this submission :

1) Filled in and signed application form;
2) the candidate’s curriculum vitae;
3) and letters of reference of foreign experts.

In addition to submitting a hard copy of the application to the Francqui Foundation, an electronic version must also be sent.